
The Climate Research and Education to Advancing Green Development in Africa (CREATE-GreenAfrica) project is a partnership of seven higher learning institutions, which includes the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM, Tanzania) as the coordinating institution, Mekelle University (MU, Ethiopia), Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU, Zimbabwe), University of Free State (UFS, South Africa), University of Ghana (UG, Ghana), University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT, Nigeria) and the University of Southern Denmark serving as European Partner. The project aims to promote academic mobility of students within the above-mentioned African universities. It also aims to increase climate-oriented knowledge and skills development across Africa and from African universities through student mobility and experience sharing. As part of this project, six (6) full time doctoral studentships, six (6) full time MSc studentships and six (6) short term academic exchanges in the selected African universities are on offer. Students with admission to any of the mentioned universities outside one’s domiciled country will be awarded an academic scholarship to facilitate their studies in a relevant course of study in or related to climate change. The project calls for applications from eligible African students who have applied to any of the above universities and have been admitted. All eligible candidates are encouraged, particularly women.

This form is for application for CREATE-GreenAfrica Project scholarships

Download the form, complete it and sent it (together with other required documents) as attachment as instructed in the call for scholarship application. Deadline for submission of application is Mid-night of 6th September 2024, East African time (EAT). The application for scholarship should be sent to the project coordinating office (email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please click here to download the scholarship application form.