
The University of Ghana is a member of the CREATE-GREEN welcome potential mobility students. The usual application window for the university, however, closed at the end of July. The coordinator of the project is in talks with the Graduate school to open a very limited window for the CREATE applications to come in. All potential applicants are encouraged to visit the university of Ghana site and obtain as much information as will be helpful. Candidates should be reminded that there is a mandatory application fee, which cannot at this time be waived. The good news, however, is that it has been reduced to $55 (USD) from over a $100 for all international applicants. Another good news is that there is the likelihood that the  application fees of successful applicants on the CREATE program  will be refunded by the project. Since the application window is going to be very short, you are all encouraged to work very fast on your processes. PhD applications are ongoing and should not be a problem. The masters window is what will be opened again shortly. If you are on the site and it is still not open keep coming back and it will be done. Also note that the next academic year begins in September, which means there is very little time for everything. Kindly visit the following sites and select your preferred program as listed on the project website. Please note: If any of you successfully complete your application kindly notify this email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Do not send application materials, just let us know you have successfully apply to a particular program and we will follow it up to speed the process up.