Climate Research and Education to Advancing Green Development in Africa (CREATE-GreenAfrica) is the project selected in the framework of the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme. It is comprising of six African Partner Institutions and one EU Technical Partner. The CREATE-GreenAfrica consortium includes the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM, Tanzania) as the coordinating institution, Mekelle University (MU, Ethiopia), Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU, Zimbabwe), University of Free StaAte (UFS, South Africa), University of Ghana (UG, Ghana), University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT, Nigeria) and European Technical Partner University of Southern Denmark (SDU, Denmark). This project aims to increase climate-oriented skills and qualifications across the African continent through mobility and experience sharing. CREATE-GreenAfrica Project will significantly contribute to advancing the knowledge and skills of students, trainees, consortium staff and other non-consortium members on climate change adaptation and mitigation by ensuring the participation of women and girls, and the disadvantaged groups in the African continent in general and the consortium in particular.
A total of 22 full-time MSc, 13 short-time MSc and 6 full-time PhDs and 6 short-time PhD will be trained from 2024 to 2028 in the thematic areas of:
i) Environmental Sustainability (impact assessment, adaptation and mitigations of climate variability and change),
ii) Climate/weather related processes at local and global level for proper forecast, prediction and early warning,
iii) Resilience of food production systems to climate change and variability impacts,
iv) Gender-climate-food system nexus, policies and institutions related to climate and development,
v) Climate change and water resources,
vi) Collective action, and natural resource management and Ecosystem based adaptation to climate change.
The project will provide scholarships for full degree programs and short-term credit-seeking mobility for students. The project will support researchers who will be expected to undertake research that contributes to the overarching CREATE-GreenAfrica research objectives, which cover broad areas of climate change and adaptation.
There will be Three calls for scholarship which will be announced at different interval. The first call will be for PhD and MSc full-time and short-time scholarship which will be announced in July 2024 and its deadline will be in September 2024 This will involve 6 full-time PhD students, 6 full-time MSc students, 6 PhD short-time students and 6 short-time MSc students.
The second call will be for MSc full-time and short-time scholarship which will be announced in April 2025 and its deadline will be in June 2025. This will involve 16 full-time MSc students and 7 short-time MSc students.
The third call will be for Traineeship which will be announced in April 2025 and its deadline will be in June 2025. This will involve 16 full-time MSc students and 7 short-time MSc students.
The duration for full PhD students is 36 months, for full-time MSc students is 24 months, for short-time PhD students is 6 months, short-time MSc students is 4 months and for the Traineeship is 3 months. The applicants will be required to apply to universities outside their country of residents.
STUDENTS should be national of and resident in an African country (including from Northern Africa region) and graduated/registered/admitted at one of the African HEIs member of the consortium (TG1) or any other African HEIs (TG2) (including from Northern Africa region).
TRAINEES should be national of and resident in an African country (including national of Northern African countries) and enrolled in a Bachelor/Master/PhD programme at African HEIs members of the consortium.
TG2 Countries involves:
Democratic Republic Congo
Burkina Faso
The language of instruction for all six universities is English.
Applicants with special needs or vulnerable groups are encouraged to apply. Additional funds will be provided to the students with specia needs.
Intra-Africa mobility is funded by the EU. The Intra-Africa scholarship covers travel, insurance, subsistence allowance, and participation costs. It does not contribute to research costs. Guidance and support is provided to all scholarship holders before, during, and after mobility. Mobility allows students to experience different research, teaching, and learning methods, as well as meet different cultures and languages. Guidance on how the studies during the mobility will be recognised.
These are the students who will apply for a full time PhD program in one the consortium members univeristy. The duration of the full PhD program is 36 months.
To be eligible for the scholarship, Students should be national of and resident in an African country (including from Northern Africa region) and graduated/registered/admitted at one of the African HEIs member of the consortium (TG1) or any other African HEIs (TG2) (including from Northern Africa region).
These are the students who will apply for a short term PhD program in one the consortium members univeristy. The duration of the short-term PhD program is 6 months.
To be eligible for the scholarship, Students should be national of and resident in an African country (including from Northern Africa region) and graduated/registered/admitted at one of the African HEIs member of the consortium (TG1) or any other African HEIs (TG2) (including from Northern Africa region).
These are the students who will apply for a full time MSc program in one the consortium members univeristy. The duration of the full MSc program is 24 months.
To be eligible for the scholarship, Students should be national of and resident in an African country (including from Northern Africa region) and graduated/registered/admitted at one of the African HEIs member of the consortium (TG1) or any other African HEIs (TG2) (including from Northern Africa region).
These are the students who will apply for a short term MSc program in one the consortium members univeristy. The duration of the short-term MSc program is 4 months.
To be eligible for the scholarship, Students should be national of and resident in an African country (including from Northern Africa region) and graduated/registered/admitted at one of the African HEIs member of the consortium (TG1) or any other African HEIs (TG2) (including from Northern Africa region).
These are the students who will apply and attached to organisations (public or private) established in the countries of the applicants (beneficiaries). HEIs from Africa can host trainee. The duration of the trainneship program is 3 months.
To be eligible for the mobility scholarship, trainees should be national of and resident in an African country (including national of Northern African countries) and enrolled in a Bachelor/Master/PhD programme at African HEIs members of the consortium.
This mobility will involve staff from consortium members universities including EU technical partner. The duration of the program is 3 months.
Only staff who are employed in one of the HEIs members of the consortium, including the HEI from EU are eligible for this mobility program.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), in the context of managing the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, collects and processes the personal data of some of the candidates. In particular, certain data of the scholarship holders (students, trainees and staff members) is shared with the Agency through the mobility tool under EU Funding and Tenders Portal and treated according to the following privacy statement.
Please be cautious when receiving any publicity inviting you to apply for an Intra-Africa scholarship or a message to pay a fee to be selected as a scholarship holder. We have been informed of numerous attempted scams. Before giving out any personal data, please always verify that the information comes from a trustworthy source. Please also note that candidates do not have to pay any fees to benefit from an Intra-Africa scholarship.