In this cholarship cycle, 6 fulltime PhD scholarship, 6 Short-term PhD scholarship, 6 fulltime MSc scholarship and 6 Short-term MSc scholarship were announced. The consortium has received a total of 1438 scholarship application for both PhD and MSc (fulltime nd shorttime).
University of Dar es Salaam received a total of 612 applicants
Mekelle University received a total of 179 applicants
The University of the Free State received a total of 184 applicants
The University of Ghana received a total of 133 applicants
The University of Port Harcourt received a total of 211 applicants
The Open University of Zimbabwe received a total of 119 applicants
The selection committee for each university set and selected the best candidates for the scholarship.
Only 24 students was selected for this round scholarships.
New scholarships for MSc fulltime and short-term together with the traineeshipa and staff mobility will be announced later in 2025.